زنان هنر
و ادبیات
سایت های دیگر
کلیپ و صدا
مکانی برای احزاب
اخبار روز از پیک ایران
خلاصه اخبار رادیو فردا
و بهداشت
دانلود و نصب نرم افزار فیلتر شکن وب جت
در موقع دانلود با انتخاب گزينه بازكردن open نرم افزار بطور خودكار برروی كامپيوتر شما نصب خواهد شد. توجه كنيد كه پس از پايان نصب علامت قرمز وب جت در قسمت سمت راست پايين صفحه بايد ديده شود.
Please follow these installation instructions:
Once you click on the "Download WebJet" button above, you will be asked a question about whether you want to open/run the file or save it to disk.
If you select Open or Run, you will automatically begin installing WebJet (Recommended).
If you select Save, the WebJet file will be saved to your machine for installation at a later time.
TIP: If you save the file to disk, pay close attention to where your computer saves the file because you will have to locate it to begin the installation. You can find the file on your computer by clicking on the Windows START button and using the FIND (or SEARCH) capability to locate the file named "WebJetSetup.exe". Once you locate the file, simply double-click on it to begin the installation process. Also note that you will need to have a connection to the Internet via your Internet Service Provider during the installation process.